Red-tailed Hawk landing on nest, Bobst Library, NYU, New York City

Fledglings zipping about in the trees – June 16th, 2013

A couple of Hawk-watchers who were in Washington Square Park before me this morning got the treat of seeing all three of Rosie and Bobby’s fledglings sitting in a row together on two different building perches. They later got to watch two of the fledglings zip about in some of the park trees and to […]

Bobby Hunting Rat and Sitting in Trees – June 24, 2011

Here we see Bobby on the hunt on the Eastern side of Washington Square Park to feed baby Pip. He searched for a few minutes until he spotted a rat on the ground among some plants, snatched it in one second, then killed or maimed it before flying it to Pip for her dinner. Footage […]